Underwater Archaeology Museum

Arts & Culture

  • Adliye Caddesi
  • 48400
  • Bodrum
Underwater Archaeology Museum
  • presentation
  • information
Bodrum Underwater Archaeology Museum contains 14 exhibition halls and has the richest East Mediterranean Amphora collection in the world. In the Museum, Yassıada, Şeytan Deresi and Serçe Lİmanı shipwrecks, the world’s oldest sunken ship wreckage exhibited in the Museum worth the visit.

This shipwreck exhibited in Serçe Limanı Glass Wreck Hall is the sinking boat in 1025. 3 tons of broken and unbroken glasses were removed from this boat. Additionally the world’s largest Islamic Glass Collection is also exhibited here.

Amphora Park is situated under the porch of the main outer walls on the left side when entering to the Citadel. The largest collection of artifacts in Bodrum Underwater Archeology Museum are amphora.

Amphora is a two-handled pot with a pointed bottom. It is consisted of the words Amphi (on both sides) and phoreus (carrier). Amphora are used for the transportation and storage of wine, oil olive, dry foodstuff in ancient period’s trade.

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