SERVICES All over Turkey



  • All over Turkey
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Embassies and consulates in Turkey:

Afghanistan: + 90 212 361 55 00
Albania: +90 212 244 32 56
Algeria: +90 212 356 95 16
Australia: +90 212 243 13 33
Austria: +90 212 262 26 22
Bahamas: +90 216 493 80 00
Belgium: +90 212 243 20 68
Bolivia: +90 212 272 15 68
Bosnia and Herzegovina: +90 212 236 28 31
Bulgaria: +90 212 264 10 11
Burkina Faso: +90 212 232 13 05
Canada: +90 212 251 98 38
China: +90 212 299 26 33
Colombia: +90 212 279 98 28
Costa Rica: +90 212 334 46 46
Croatia: +90 212 293 54 67
Czech Republic: +90 212 232 90 46
Denmark: +90 212 359 19 00
Dominican Republic: +90 212 293 83 56
Egypt: +90 212 324 21 33
Estonia: +90 212 315 70 71
Finland: +90 212 296 95 49
France: +90 212 334 87 30
Gambia: +90 212 259 17 42
Georgia: +90 212 343 92 57
Germany: +90 212 334 61 00
Greece: +90 212 393 82 90
Hungary: +90 212 344 12 65
India: +90 212 296 21 31
Iran: +90 212 513 82 30
Iraq: +90 212 262 63 35
Ireland: +90 212 482 24 34
Israel: +90 212 317 65 00
Italy: +90 212 243 10 24
Japan: +90 212 317 46 00
Kazakhstan: +90 212 662 53 47
Kyrgyzstan: +90 212 235 67 67
Kosovo: +90 212 234 82 62
Kuwait: +90 212 351 18 88
Latvia: +90 216 519 75 00
Lebanon: +90 212 236 13 65
Luxembourg: +90 212 279 39 35
Macedonia: +90 212 251 22 33
Madagascar: +90 212 211 92 06
Maldives: +90 212 241 73 72
Malta: +90 212 311 12 12
Moldova: +90 212 251 72 64
Nepal: +90 212 246 61 04
Netherlands: +90 212 393 21 21
Norway: +90 212 249 97 53
New Zealand: +90 212 244 02 72
Oman: +90 212 230 83 84
Pakistan: +90 212 324 58 27
Peru: +90 212 294 23 00
Poland: +90 212 290 66 30
Romania: +90 212 243 42 86
Russia: +90 212 292 51 01
Serbia: +90 212 213 76 86
Seychelles: +90 212 325 26 24
Singapore: +90 216 358 01 33
Slovakia: +90 212 317 94 30
Slovenia: +90 216 321 90 00
South Korea: +90 212 368 83 68
Spain: +90 212 270 74 10
Sweden: +90 212 334 06 00
Switzerland: +90 212 283 12 82
Syria: +90 212 232 67 21
Tunisia: +90 212 259 80 00
UK: +90 212 334 64 00
Ukraine: +90 212 662 25 41
United States: +90 212 335 90 00
Uruguay: +90 212 261 45 22
Uzbekistan: +90 212 323 20 37
Venezuela: +90 212 215 62 08

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