NATURE Black River District

Le Morne Brabant

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  • Black River District
Le Morne Brabant
  • presentation
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Le Morne Brabant mountain, at the extreme southwestern tip of the island of Mauritius, is 556m height, but the climbable part is only 490m. The mountain is covered with vegetation and the track to ascend is around 6km. Two rare plants can be seen namely : Mandrinette and Boucle D’oreille. The beginning of the trek is flat but steep slope then it becomes extremely technical after a green gate. It is not permitted to trespass this section, but many people do, to climb to the top. Of course, be responsible of your acts!

Verily this mountain is extremely dangerous, particularly for those who do not have trekking skills. Furthermore, do bring a rope with you, it can be handy. The whole ascension can be done in 3-4 hours. From the summit, enjoy the breathtaking views of the Southern coast, including Ilot Fourneau, the turquoise water of Le Morne lagoon, specially, the splendid undersea “waterfall”.

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